Sur Roxycast
Roxycast is a Facebook alternative with less censorship, like Roxycast users publish posts, photos, videos and chat with others. Roxycast never collects your data.

Roxycast is a social sharing site for people looking to express themselves and have fun while doing it!

Many people have been looking for a better social media sharing platform with less censorship and more fun! Roxycast is bringing it!

We actually care about our members and want you to make Roxycast your social sharing platform of choice. We have designed the site not only for ease of use, but so it's a lot more fun. Some of the cool options we have are the ability to private message members, customization of your channel artwork, blog creation, group creation, sell items in the market, go live feature, chat feature, and anything else you would expect to find on a very large social media sharing platform. More to come!

Make sure to spread the word and share the site to others looking for a better platform.

Although we have less censorship, please keep in mind that Roxycast is open to all ages. No graphic violence, porn, bullying or hate speech please.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us in the contact section or private message.

Steve Check out our site for video creators: